Bagaimana menjawab pertanyaan dan komentar dari reviewer (Response to Reviewer) dalam proses penerbitan artikel di jurnal internasional?

Setelah mengirimkan artikel Anda ke suatu jurnal ilmiah, maka ada beberapa kemungkinan yang dapat Anda harapkan:

  1. Artikel Anda dianggap layak oleh editor dan dikirimkan ke (beberapa orang) reviewer
  2. Artikel Anda dikembalikan oleh editor karena dianggap kurang layak untuk diterbitkan. Jika Anda ingin mengetahui mengapa, silakan klik di sini untuk membaca lebih detil mengenai kriteria yang sering diterapkan untuk menilai suatu artikel ilmiah
  3. Artikel Anda dikembalikan oleh jurnal karena ada bagian-bagian yang tidak memenuhi ketentuan, misalnya jenis file yang Anda kirim tidak sesuai dengan persyaratan yang diminta oleh jurnal yang bersangkutan.

Pada sesi ini kita akan membahas yang pertama di mana artikel Anda dikirimkan ke reviewer. Waktu sampai Anda mendapat respon sangatlah bervariasi karena proses peer-review adalah voluntary atau servis yang tidak berbayar. Selain itu, prosesnya juga tergantung dari berapa banyak reviewer yang diperlukan oleh suatu jurnal. Jumlah reviewer ini akan bertambah dengan bertambahnya impact factor suatu jurnal. Umumnya, jurnal yang memiliki impact factor <4 membutuhkan setidaknya dua orang reviewer untuk mengkritisi artikel Anda.

Lalu bagaimana untuk menjawab orang yang mengkritisi artikel Anda? Di sinilah seni berkomunikasi dengan reviewer dalam bentuk tulisan. Ada kalanya kita juga perlu beradu argumen ilmiah, disertai dengan bukti-bukti (referensi). Namun hal tersebut harus dilakukan dengan sopan. Saya umumnya selalu menonjolkan sisi positif dari komentar reviewer, sepedas apapun komentar mereka. Tunjukkan perubahan-perubahan yang Anda lakukan sebagai bentuk penghargaan terhadap pendapat mereka dalam memperbaiki artikel Anda.

Secara garis besar, pernyataan dan pertanyaan reviewer dapat dikategorikan sebagai berikut:

  1. Reviewer yang meminta klarifikasi (Q = pertanyaan reviewer, R = bagaimana kita dapat merespon)

Contoh pertanyaan:

Q1: It’s not clear to me toward what or where it may be suggested that we should be “moving beyond”.

Q2: It appears that no statistical analysis of trade-offs was carried out; is it due to the fact that few published studies dealt with more than one ecosystem service?

Contoh jawaban:

R1: We thank the reviewer for pointing this out and we have added the following …. (sentence, paragraph or references or data) to clarify our meaning. 

R2: We thank the reviewer for pointing this out and we modified our …. (sentence, paragraph or references or data) to clarify our message. 

R3: We thank the reviewer for the question. Indeed, we were unable to conduct statistical analysis for the trade-offs because they came from different studies, as the reviewer suggested. Trade-offs or synergies between different ecosystem services from a single study are only recently being examined (Blesh, 2017; Finney et al., 2017). So far, our understanding of these interactions in agro-ecosystems is currently limited from studies derived of single service or a subset of services (Schipanski et al., 2014). We are grateful that the reviewer pointed this out and this limitation has been added as a suggestion for future studies in the revised manuscript.

Di sini Anda bisa menambahkan saran yang dapat dilakukan untuk kedepannya.

2. Reviewer yang menyarankan sesuatu

Contoh pernyataan:

Q1: Cover crops also have some risks, such as increase in pests and diseases. How to avoid these risks through researches and managements is also worth discussing in the paper.

Q2: The ‘results and discussion’ section is very detailed, and fairly long. Some statements could be moved to the introduction. For example, §3.1 looks more like a new review of literature than like a presentation and discussion of the plant species present in the database. The beginning of §3.2 is also redundant with the introduction and could be shortened.

Contoh jawaban:

R1: We thank the reviewer for the suggestion and a paragraph that discusses the aforementioned point has been added in the manuscript. Please find the details below atau please find the details in the track-changes version of the manuscript.

Walaupun di atas ada dua pilihan, saya menyarankan Anda untuk menuliskan paragrafnya untuk mempermudah tugas reviewer. Ingat, reviewer juga manusia.

R2: In line with the reviewer’s suggestion, along with the suggestion from other reviewers, we shortened and modified our Introduction. The beginning of §3.2 has been deleted and merged with the Introduction. We also deleted redundant parts in §3.1, moved some information to the Introduction section and made the sentences more efficient to express our idea, although we decided to keep some of the information for this review. Please refer to the track-changes version of this manuscript for all the changes.

Kemudian yang agak sulit untuk dijawab adalah tipe di mana reviewer mengkritik tulisan Anda dan tidak setuju dengan pendapat Anda:

3. Reviewer yang tidak setuju dengan apa yang Anda tulis

Contoh pernyataan:

Q1: Cropland and agricultural systems are (by definition) not ecosystems. Consequently, applying a temporary/winter/green cover crop is not an ecosystem service.

Contoh jawaban:

R1: We respect the reviewer opinion, but we disagree. Indeed, as Garbach et al. (2014) stated in the Encyclopedia of Agriculture and Food Systems (2014), “Historically, agricultural systems have been managed to maximize production of food and fiber….However, “agricultural landscapes can provide numerous goods and services to society. These include ecosystem services, described as those functions of ecosystems that are useful to humans or support human well-being. Agroecology is the application of ecological concepts and principles to the design and management of sustainable agricultural systems. It includes critical ecosystem services and the organisms, guilds, and ecological communities that provide them”. Provisioning of ecosystem service from agriculture is further emphasized by Hoffmann et al. (2018) in Reference Module in Food Science, who described the “four categories of ecosystem service (provisioning, regulating, supporting and cultural services) in agriculture”, including “the occurrence of ecosystem service within agricultural lands, the provision of ecosystem by agriculture and the threat to ecosystem service from unsustainable agricultural practices”. Multiple authors in recent publications suggest that planting cover crops during fallow period can supply different ecosystem services such as: (Di sini Anda dapat menjabarkan referensi-referensi yang Anda gunakan)

Karena ini adalah ranah ilmiah, maka perbedaan pendapat adalah hal yang biasa. Namun ingat, pendapat tersebut harus disertai dengan bukti dan diperlukan kesopanan dalam menunjukkannya. Saya juga menyarankan untuk membaca lebih jauh di sini tentang kapan sebaiknya berargumentasi dengan reviewer, kapan tidak.

4. Reviewer yang mengkritisi tulisan Anda

Q1: The discussion is poor and is often a pure description of the results.

Walaupun tidak menyenangkan dan bisa menjatuhkan mental, saya selalu menganggap kritik sebagai sebuah saran. Namun berbeda dengan menanggapi saran dari reviewer (no 2 di atas), menanggapi sebuah kritik memerlukan analisa yang lebih mendalam.

Saya memberikan contoh seperti dibawah ini untuk menjawab kritikan dari reviewer (perhatikan saya menggunakan kata “suggested” atau “recommended” untuk mengubah tone dari kritikan tersebut:

Jika perubahan yang Anda lakukan banyak, Anda dapat menuliskan seperti yang dicetak miring seperti di bawah ini:

R1: As suggested by the reviewer, we have added the comparison of the five estimation equations, the effects of vegetation types on K values and the implication for land use management in the Discussion. Specifically, we compared our Results with previous studies in the same area and in different regions, trying to analyze the factors and mechanisms that may contribute to our results. Please see Page 13, Lines 358-369, Lines 376-377; Page 14, Lines 383-400,  Lines 401-411; Page 15, Lines 412-431, Lines 440-441; Page 16, Lines 442, Lines 452-454, Lines 462-464 and Lines 470-471; Page 17, Lines 472-474 and Lines 485-498; Page 18, Lines 517-521 on the track-changes version of our manuscript for further details regarding the changes that we have made.

Namun, jika perubahan yang Anda lakukan dapat dideskripsikan, ada baiknya jika perubahan-perubahan tersebut langsung dituliskan seperti contoh berikut:

R2: As recommended by the reviewer, we have added the comparison of the five estimation equations, the effects of vegetation types on K values and the implication for land use management in the Discussion. Specifically, we compared our Results with previous studies in the same area and in different regions, trying to analyze the factors and mechanisms that may contribute to our results. The most important changes are described below and please refer to the track-changes version of the manuscript to find other changes that we have made to improve our Discussion:

a. The lack of significant difference among some vegetation types is likely caused by strong similarities in the functional characteristics of certain vegetation types. For example, both sea buckthorn and Caragana korshinskii are shrubs, but both black locust and David’s peach are trees. Due to the short period of restoration, some of the vegetation types, particularly trees are not mature enough to have fully achieved their normal soil and water conservation functions.

b. In addition, soil erodibility is affected by many factors, such as soil properties, terrain, climate, vegetation and land use. Yet similar soil parent material in the region could be attributed to the lack of significant differences between soil properties associated with different vegetation types. Soil particle compositions within a given soil profile is similar, except those on the surface layer due to erosion, landslides, and cultivation. Although land use and vegetation types indirectly influenced and changed soil erodibility through changes in soil organic matter content, these impacts are relatively smaller than those of soil parent material.

Semoga bermanfaaat…!!!

Untuk Anda yang membutuhkan bantuan lebih lanjut dalam penulisan karya ilmiah untuk publikasi di jurnal internasional, mulai dari konsep sampai editing dalam bahasa Inggris, silakan menghubungi saya di

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